Therapeutic Parenting (Level 2)

  • Author: CoECT
  • Level: 2
  • Study time: 60 hours
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Course overview
This course is benchmarked at a Level 2 standard of learning. It is a Therapeutic Parenting programme and includes SAfE parenting which is based on the PARENTS model of Therapeutic Parenting devised by Sarah Naish (2017) which supports parents in their ability to look at the root cause of their child’s behaviour and respond consciously rather than emotionally.

What's included?

The Qualification consists of the following units:

Unit 1 - Understand the main principles of SAfE Parenting.

Unit 2 - Demonstrate knowledge of child developmental milestones and the child’s basic needs, based on their emotional age.

Unit 3 - Develop a sound knowledge of the parenting strategies used in SAfE Parenting.

Unit 4 - Understand the importance of self-care for parents.
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